Dengler, Marcus (2020): Microstructure measurements during METEOR cruise M130 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2020-06-03 • DOI registered: 2020-07-02
56 profiles of post-processed upper-ocean microstructure data from a loosely-tethered profiler (MSS90-D, manufactured by Sea & Sun Technology) collected in the central tropical Atlantic. Dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy are calculated as described in Schafstall et al. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010). Stored parameters include: Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in m^2 s^(-3) from 3 microstructure shear sensors, temperature, salinity and depth.
Supplement to:
Hummels, Rebecca; Dengler, Marcus; Rath, Willi; Foltz, Gregory R; Schütte, Florian; Fischer, Tim; Brandt, Peter (2020): Surface cooling caused by rare but intense near-inertial wave induced mixing in the tropical Atlantic. Nature Communications, 11(1),
Related to:
Dengler, Marcus; Shipboard Scientific Party (2017): Oxygen Variability and Tropical Atlantic Circulation, Cruise No. M130, August 28 - October 3, 2016, Mindelo (Cape Verde) - Recife (Brazil). METEOR-Berichte, Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, M130, 46 pp,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 27542298: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean
Median Latitude: 9.075839 * Median Longitude: -22.972271 * South-bound Latitude: -1.005620 * West-bound Longitude: -24.281360 * North-bound Latitude: 17.592970 * East-bound Longitude: -21.193040
Date/Time Start: 2016-08-30T17:18:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-09-16T16:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 1.36 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 290.99 m
M130_940-1 * Latitude Start: 17.587333 * Longitude Start: -24.281500 * Latitude End: 17.597333 * Longitude End: -24.276667 * Date/Time Start: 2016-08-30T17:16:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-08-30T17:57:00 * Elevation Start: -3600.4 m * Elevation End: -3602.6 m * Campaign: M130 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Micro structure probe (MSS)
M130_950-1 * Latitude Start: 15.001333 * Longitude Start: -22.999333 * Latitude End: 15.016167 * Longitude End: -22.997000 * Date/Time Start: 2016-09-02T10:56:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-09-02T11:38:00 * Elevation Start: -2730.5 m * Elevation End: -2725.6 m * Campaign: M130 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Micro structure probe (MSS)
M130_953-1 * Latitude Start: 14.499833 * Longitude Start: -23.000000 * Latitude End: 14.495167 * Longitude End: -22.998333 * Date/Time Start: 2016-09-02T16:28:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-09-02T17:13:00 * Elevation Start: -4090.5 m * Elevation End: -4094.4 m * Campaign: M130 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Micro structure probe (MSS)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Dengler, Marcus | |||
2 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Dengler, Marcus | Geocode | ||
3 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Dengler, Marcus | Geocode | ||
4 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Dengler, Marcus | Geocode | ||
5 | Profile ID | Profile ID | Dengler, Marcus | |||
6 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Dengler, Marcus | Geocode | |
7 | Pressure, water | Press | dbar | Dengler, Marcus | ||
8 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Dengler, Marcus | ||
9 | Salinity | Sal | Dengler, Marcus | |||
10 | Dissipation rate | Diss rate | W/kg | Dengler, Marcus | TKE1 | |
11 | Dissipation rate | Diss rate | W/kg | Dengler, Marcus | TKE2 | |
12 | Dissipation rate | Diss rate | W/kg | Dengler, Marcus | TKE3 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
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