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Schwamborn, Georg; Schirrmeister, Lutz; Mohammadi, Ali; Meyer, Hanno; Kartoziia, Andrei; Maggioni, Flavio; Strauss, Jens (2022): SAM18-01 Samoylov permafrost drilling, Lena Delta, NE Siberia [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Using a new 65 m long sediment core from the Lena delta apex (Samoylov Island), NE Siberia, this project uses a range of sediment and ground ice properties to help reconstructing the history of the lower Lena River. The analysis includes ( i ) 14C-AMS radiocarbon dating from organic detritus, (ii) grain size composition, (iii) magnetic susceptibility, (iv) XRD (x-ray diffractometry) measurements from the fraction <2 mm, (v) XRF (x-ray fluorescence) measurements from the fraction <2 mm, (vi) TOC (total organic carbon) from bulk sediment, (vii) d13Corg from bulk sediment, (viii) TN (total nitrogen) from bulk sediment, (ix) heavy mineral composition from the fraction 63-125 µm), ( x ) pH from ground ice, (xi) electrical conductivity from ground ice, (xii) the stable water isotope composition (d18O and dD) from ground ice, (xiii) sulfate and chlorine from ground ice, (xiv) DOC (dissolved organic carbon) from ground ice.
14C age; core images; Lena Delta; Permafrost; sediment analysis; stable hydrogen isotopes; stable oxygen isotopes
Supplement to:
Schwamborn, Georg; Schirrmeister, Lutz; Mohammadi, Ali; Meyer, Hanno; Kartoziia, Andrei; Maggioni, Flavio; Strauss, Jens (2022): Fluvial and permafrost history of the lower Lena River, north‐eastern Siberia, over late Quaternary time. Sedimentology, sed.13037,
Related to:
Kruse, Stefan; Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Yu; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Morgenstern, Anne; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Tsibizov, Leonid; Udke, Annegret (2019): Russian-German Cooperation: Expeditions to Siberia in 2018. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 734, 257 pp,
Latitude: 72.376970 * Longitude: 126.480560
Date/Time Start: 2018-04-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-04-20T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.08 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 65.20 m
SAM18-01 * Latitude: 72.376970 * Longitude: 126.480560 * Date/Time Start: 2018-04-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-04-20T00:00:00 * Campaign: RU-Land_2018_Lena (Lena 2018) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: URB2-4T drilling rig
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSchwamborn, GeorgGeocode
2Calendar ageCal ageka BPSchwamborn, Georgorganic detritus
3Calendar age, minimum/youngCal age minka BPSchwamborn, Georgorganic detritus
4Calendar age, maximum/oldCal age maxka BPSchwamborn, Georgorganic detritus
5Calendar age, standard errorCal age std e±Schwamborn, Georgorganic detritus
6Age, commentCommSchwamborn, Georgorganic detritus
7Ice content, gravimetricGrav ice cont%Schwamborn, Georg
8Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Schwamborn, GeorgBulk sediment material
9Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCmg/lSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
10Carbon, organic, total/Nitrogen, total ratioTOC/TNSchwamborn, GeorgBulk sediment material
11δ13C, organic carbonδ13C Corg‰ PDBSchwamborn, GeorgBulk sediment material
12pHpHSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
13Conductivity, electrolyticECµS/cmSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
14ChlorideCl-mg/lSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
15Sulfate[SO4]2-mg/lSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
16δ18O, waterδ18O H2O‰ SMOWSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
17δ Deuterium, waterδD H2O‰ SMOWSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
18Deuterium excessd xsSchwamborn, GeorgGround ice
19Calcium/Titanium ratioCa/TiSchwamborn, Georg
20Strontium/Iron ratioSr/FeSchwamborn, Georg
21Potassium/Titanium ratioK/TiSchwamborn, Georg
22Rubidium/Zirconium ratioRb/ZrSchwamborn, Georg
23Quartz/Feldspar ratioQz/FspSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fraction
24Kalifeldspar/Plagioclase ratioKfs/PlSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fraction
25Heavy minerals/clay minerals ratioHM/ClaySchwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fraction
26Clay minerals/feldspar+quartz ratioClay/Fsp+QzSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fraction
27SmectiteSme%Schwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fractionrel%
28IlliteIll%Schwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fractionrel%
29Kaolinite+ChloriteKln+Chl%Schwamborn, GeorgX-ray diffraction, <2 mm fractionrel%
30Magnetic susceptibilityMAGS10-6 SISchwamborn, Georg
31Size fraction 16-8 mm, medium gravel16-8 mm%Schwamborn, Georgphi -4 MEDIUM PEBBLES
32Size fraction 8.0-4.0 mm, fine gravel8-4 mm%Schwamborn, Georgphi -3 FINE PEBBLES
33Size fraction 4.0-2.0 mm, very fine gravel, granule4-2 mm%Schwamborn, Georgphi -2 V FINE PEBBLES
34Size fraction 2.000-1.000 mm, (-1.0)-0.0 phi, very coarse sand2-1 mm%Schwamborn, Georgphi -1 V COARSE SAND
35Size fraction 1.000-0.500 mm, 0.0-1.0 phi, coarse sand1-0.5 mm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 0 COARSE SAND
36Size fraction 0.500-0.250 mm, 1.0-2.0 phi, medium sand500-250 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 1 MEDIUM SAND
37Size fraction 0.250-0.125 mm, 2.0-3.0 phi, fine sand250-125 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 2 FINE SAND
38Size fraction 0.125-0.063 mm, 3.0-4.0 phi, very fine sand125-63 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 3 V FINE SAND
39Size fraction 0.063-0.032 mm, 4.0-5.0 phi, very coarse silt63-32 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 4 V COARSE SILT
40Size fraction 0.032-0.016 mm, 5.0-6.0 phi, coarse silt32-16 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 5 COARSE SILT
41Size fraction 0.016-0.008 mm, 6.0-7.0 phi, medium silt16-8 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 6 MEDIUM SILT
42Size fraction 0.008-0.004 mm, 7.0-8.0 phi, fine silt8-4 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 7 FINE SILT
43Size fraction 0.004-0.002 mm, 8.0-9.0 phi, very fine silt4-2 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 8 V FINE SILT
44Size fraction < 0.2 µm, fine clay<0.2 µm%Schwamborn, Georgphi 9 FINE CLAY
45AluminiumAlcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
46SiliconSicpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
47SulfurScpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
48ChlorineClcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
49PotassiumKcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
50CalciumCacpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
51TitaniumTicpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
52BariumBacpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
53LeadPbcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
54ZirconiumZrcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
55IronFecpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
56BromineBrcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
57RubidiumRbcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
58StrontiumSrcpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
59ZincZncpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
60ArsenicAscpsSchwamborn, GeorgX-ray fluorescence, < 2 mm fraction
61AmphiboleAmp#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
62PyroxenePyrox#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
63EpidoteEp#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
64GarnetGrt#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
65ZirconZrn#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
66ApatiteAp#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
67SpheneSpn#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
68MonaziteMnz#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
69TourmalineTur#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
70RutileRt#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
71DistheneDist#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fractionDisthene-kyanite
72SillimaniteSil#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
73StauroliteSt#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
74AndalusiteAnd#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
75ChloritoidCld#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
76MuscoviteMs#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
77BiotiteBt#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
78Minerals, otherMin oth#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fraction
79Heavy mineral grainsHM grains#Schwamborn, GeorgCounting 63-125 µm fractiontotal count
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 3 (ProcLevel3)
3733 data points

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