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Collins, James A; Prange, Matthias; Caley, Thibaut; Gimeno, Luis; Beckmann, Britta; Mulitza, Stefan; Skonieczny, Charlotte; Roche, Didier M; Schefuß, Enno (2017): Leaf-waxes hydrogen isotopic composition of sediment core GeoB4905-4 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Collins, JA et al. (2017): Rapid termination of the African Humid Period triggered by northern high-latitude cooling. Nature Communications, 8(1),

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The rapidity and synchrony of the African Humid Period (AHP) termination at around 5.5 ka are debated, and it is unclear what caused a rapid hydroclimate response. Here we analyzed the hydrogen isotopic composition of sedimentary leaf-waxes (dDwax) from the Gulf of Guinea, a proxy for regional precipitation in Cameroon and the central Sahel-Sahara. Our record indicates high precipitation during the AHP followed by a rapid decrease at 5.8-4.7 ka. The similarity with a dDwax record from northern East Africa suggests a large-scale atmospheric mechanism. We show that northern high- and mid-latitude cooling weakened the Tropical Easterly Jet and, through feedbacks, strengthened the African Easterly Jet. The associated decrease in precipitation triggered the AHP termination and combined with biogeophysical feedbacks to result in aridification. Our findings suggest that extratropical temperature changes, albeit smaller than during the glacial and deglacial, were important in triggering rapid African aridification during the Holocene.
Latitude: 2.500000 * Longitude: 9.390000
Date/Time Start: 1998-03-01T06:48:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-03-01T06:48:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.08 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 6.58 m
GeoB4905-4 * Latitude: 2.500000 * Longitude: 9.390000 * Date/Time: 1998-03-01T06:48:00 * Elevation: -1328.0 m * Recovery: 12.18 m * Location: off Cameroon * Campaign: M41/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: CC: dark olive hemipelagic mud
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmCollins, James AGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPCollins, James AAge, AMS 14C, BACON 2.2Geocode – Median age derived from 14C age model
3n-Alkane C29, δDC29 δD‰ SMOWCollins, James AGas chromatography - Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)vs. VSMOW
4n-Alkane C29, δD, standard deviationC29 δD std dev±Collins, James Aanalytical precision
5QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.025
6QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.16
7QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.84
8QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.975
9n-Alkane C29, δDC29 δD‰ SMOWCollins, James AGas chromatography - Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)vs. VSMOW, ice volume adjusted
10QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.025, ice volume adjusted
11QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.16, ice volume adjusted
12QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.84, ice volume adjusted
13QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.975, ice volume adjusted
14n-Alkane C29, δDC29 δD‰ SMOWCollins, James AMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252vs.VSMOW, ice volume and vegetation adjusted
15QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.025, ice volume and vegetation adjusted
16QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.16, ice volume and vegetation adjusted
17QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.84, ice volume and vegetation adjusted
18QuantileQuantileCollins, James AQ0.975, ice volume and vegetation adjusted
19n-Alkane C29, δ13CC29 δ13C‰ PDBCollins, James AGas chromatography - Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)vs. VPDB
20n-Alkane C29, δ13C, standard deviationC29 δ13C std dev±Collins, James Aanalytical precision
21n-Alkane C31, δDC31 δD‰ SMOWCollins, James AGas chromatography - Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)vs. VSMOW
22n-Alkane C31, δD, standard deviationC31 δD std dev±Collins, James Aanalytical precision
23n-Alkane C31, δ13CC31 δ13C‰ PDBCollins, James AGas chromatography - Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRMS)vs. VPDB
24n-Alkane C31, δ13C, standard deviationC31 δ13C std dev±Collins, James Aanalytical precision
4487 data points

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