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Lischka, Silke; Riebesell, Ulf (2017): Seawater carbonate chemistry and metabolic data of Arctic pteropods in lab experiment [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Lischka, S; Riebesell, U (2017): Metabolic response of Arctic pteropods to ocean acidification and warming during the polar night/twilight phase in Kongsfjord (Spitsbergen). Polar Biology, 40(6), 1211-1227,

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Thecosome pteropods are considered highly sensitive to ocean acidification. During the Arctic winter, increased solubility of CO2 in cold waters intensifies ocean acidification and food sources are limited. Ocean warming is also particularly pronounced in the Arctic. Here, we present the first data on metabolic rates of two pteropod species (Limacina helicina, Limacina retroversa) during the Arctic winter at 79°N (polar night/twilight phase). Routine oxygen consumption rates and the metabolic response [oxygen consumption (MO2), ammonia excretion (NH3), overall metabolic balance (O:N)] to elevated levels of pCO2 and temperature were examined. Our results suggest lower routine MO2 rates for both Limacina species in winter than in summer. In an 18-h experiment, both pCO2 and temperature affected MO2 of L. helicina and L. retroversa. After a 9-day experiment with L. helicina all three metabolic response variables were affected by the two factors with interactive effects in case of NH3 and O:N. The response resembled a “hormesis-type” pattern with up-regulation at intermediate pCO2 and the highest temperature level. For L. retroversa, NH3 excretion was affected by both factors and O:N only by temperature. No significant effects of pCO2 or temperature on MO2 were detected. Metabolic up-regulation will entail higher energetic costs that may not be covered during periods of food limitation such as the Arctic winter and compel pteropods to utilize storage compounds to a greater extent than usual. This may reduce the fitness and survival of overwintering pteropods and negatively impact their reproductive success in the following summer.
Animalia; Arctic; Behaviour; Bottles or small containers/Aquaria (<20 L); Coast and continental shelf; Growth/Morphology; Laboratory experiment; Limacina helicina; Limacina retroversa; Mollusca; Other metabolic rates; Pelagos; Polar; Respiration; Single species; Temperature; Zooplankton
Further details:
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Epitalon, Jean-Marie; Lavigne, Héloïse; Orr, James C; Gentili, Bernard; Proye, Aurélien; Soetaert, Karline; Rae, James (2016): seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.1.
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2016) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI). The date of carbonate chemistry calculation by seacarb is 2017-05-10.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1TypeTypeLischka, Silkestudy
2SpeciesSpeciesLischka, Silke
3Registration number of speciesReg spec noLischka, Silke
4Uniform resource locator/link to referenceURL refLischka, SilkeWoRMS Aphia ID
5ExperimentExpLischka, Silke
6Experiment durationExp durationdaysLischka, Silke
7Temperature, waterTemp°CLischka, Silke
8Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmLischka, Silketreatment
9ReplicatesRepl#Lischka, Silke
10ReplicateReplLischka, Silkenumber of organisms included per replicate
11Dry massdmµgLischka, Silke
12Dry mass, standard deviationDry m std dev±Lischka, Silke
13Oxygen consumption, per massMO2 conµmol/g/hLischka, Silke
14Oxygen consumption, standard deviationO2 con std dev±Lischka, Silke
15Ammonia excretionNH3/[NH4]+ excµmol/g/hLischka, Silke
16Ammonia excretion, standard deviationNH3/[NH4]+ exc std dev±Lischka, Silke
17Oxygen consumed/Nitrogen excreted ratioO cons/N excLischka, Silke
18Oxygen consumed/nitrogen excreted ratio, standard deviationO cons/N exc std dev±Lischka, Silke
19Activity descriptionActivityLischka, Silkeactivity scores
20DiameterصmLischka, Silkeshell size
21Diameter, standard deviationØ std dev±Lischka, Silkeshell size
22Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgLischka, Silkestart
23pHpHLischka, Silketotal scale, start
24pHpHLischka, Silketotal scale, end
25pH, standard deviationpH std dev±Lischka, Silketotal scale, end
26Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgLischka, Silkestart
27Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmLischka, Silkestart
28Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgLischka, Silkestart
29SalinitySalLischka, Silke
30Carbonate system computation flagCSC flagYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
31Carbon dioxideCO2µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
32Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)fCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
33Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
34Bicarbonate ion[HCO3]-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
35Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
36Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
37Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
38Calcite saturation stateOmega CalYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1267 data points

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