Sokoll, Sarah; Ferdelman, Timothy G; Holtappels, Moritz; Goldhammer, Tobias; Littmann, Sten; Iversen, Morten Hvitfeldt; Kuypers, Marcel MM (2016): Phosphate uptake in sub-euphotic continental margin waters [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Sokoll, S et al. (2017): Intense biological phosphate uptake onto particles in sub-euphotic continental margin waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (6), 2825–2834,
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Published: 2016-12-12 • DOI registered: 2017-06-05
Elucidating the processes that affect particulate phosphorus (P) export from the euphotic zone and burial in sediments is important for models of global phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon cycling. We investigated dissolved inorganic Pi incorporation into particles (>0.2 µm) in the subeuphotic zone and benthic boundary layer of high-productivity Mauritanian and Namibian shelf waters, using 33PO4^3- tracer experiments combined with a sequential chemical extraction analysis. Pi uptake (5.4 to 19.9 nmol P L^-1 d^-1) by particulate matter was biologically mediated (~50% into the organic fraction) and similar to estimated rates of heterotrophic growth. Thus, a substantial fraction of Pi must be recycled through a particle-associated microbial pool. Rapid adsorption of 33P in the anoxic waters of Namibia indicated the additional existence of a large pool of surface exchangeable P. Particle-associated Pi recycling and adsorption may influence the export flux and ultimate fate of particle bound P in continental shelf waters.
Median Latitude: -13.447339 * Median Longitude: 5.995333 * South-bound Latitude: -28.500000 * West-bound Longitude: -16.591780 * North-bound Latitude: 18.216330 * East-bound Longitude: 15.750000
Date/Time Start: 2011-03-27T12:45:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-10-17T07:02:00
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
12 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Fluorescence and turbidity of CTD stations along the continental margin off western Africa.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Dissolved oxygen of CTD stations along the continental margin off western Africa.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Dissolved phosphate of CTD stations along the continental margin off western Africa.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Particulate organic carbon and cell abundance of CTD stations along the continental margin off western Africa.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2017): Element content on spot measurements with SEM/EDX at station GeoB15903-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Data derived from the 33 phosphorus experiment at CTD station GeoB15903-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2017): Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) anlysis at station GeoB15903-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2017): Element content on spot measurements with SEM/EDX at station GeoB15914-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Data derived from the 33 phosphorus experiment at CTD station GeoB15914-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2017): Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) anlysis at station GeoB15914-1.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Data derived from the 33 phosphorus experiment at CTD station MSM17/4_477.
- Sokoll, S; Ferdelman, TG; Holtappels, M et al. (2016): Data derived from the 33 phosphorus experiment at CTD station MSM17/4_533.
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